Professional Logging Contractors of Maine Calls on Emily Cain to Take Attack Ad Down

Press Release

Date: Sept. 28, 2016
Location: Oakland, ME
Issues: Elections

Today, the Professional Logging Contractors (PLC) of Maine called on Emily Cain to stop airing her most recent attack ad against Congressman Bruce Poliquin.

The attack ad features three loggers, who are not members of PLC, criticizing Congressman Bruce Poliquin. In their release, PLC Executive Director Dana Doran states, "We feel the ad is very misleading, misrepresents the views of the majority of Maine loggers, and unfairly attacks Congressman Poliquin."

The release continues, "Congressman Poliquin has supported many policies important to Maine loggers and been responsible and engaged on issues of importance to the industry including working to preserve access for loggers in the Katahdin Region where a new national monument has been established, fighting to require federal regulators to consider biomass fuels as carbon neutral, advocating for highway and trucking regulations favorable to logging firms and to family logging businesses and introducing a bill which will sustain family logging operations for years to come."

Now the question remains: will Emily Cain do the right thing and take this misrepresenting ad down?

"A third-generation Mainer, Congressman Poliquin understands the needs of the forest industry. That is why he has introduced and supported bills to help strengthen and grow the logging industry," said Michael Byerly, campaign spokesman. "This is just another political trick by Emily Cain to mislead Maine voters."
